Friday, June 17, 2011

learning to fly

I fell in love with a sewing project recently. I found it at Artful Parent, who found it at Prudent Baby, who found it at Llevo el Invierno. So, from North Carolina to Texas to Mexico comes the Utah version of fabric wings. Made for my niece’s 4th birthday.

The process is very simple—you can find different versions of how to make these at all the links above. I hand-drew a scalloped template, traced it onto the back of different-colored fabrics again and again and again, cut the fabric out on the way to Heber City to see Thomas the Train, and sewed them onto two sorta triangle-shaped background fabrics. Then I bound the wings together quilting-style and tacked on some lengths of twill tape for the neck and wrists. Plus a bit of velcro at the neck.

Basically, I winged it.

My niece was feeling a bit camera shy when I gave the wings to her. But I think she liked them. Time will tell. My boys pleaded to try out fabric flight before we gifted them to Willa for good. Willa obliged.




The boys want yellow/orange/red/brown/black wings for themselves. Jack wants to be a bald eagle or a raven or a hawk. Charlie wants to be “a birdy.”

Wings1Big requests from my little birds. My scissors better get ‘flyin.


  1. Those are absolutely AWESOME!

  2. I saw those before too, and know my girls would love them. What fun! So many projects, so little time. . .

  3. They are absolutely gorgeous! I especially love the picture where your son is hugging himself with the wings. Reminds me of a wise owl.
    I was also inspired by the artfl parent to make some wings. I've shared a few pics over at my blog. I'm planning to make another set in brown (like an owl) as a gift for a little boy.

  4. How fun! My boy would love a blue set. He picks everything based on the color blue...snow cone flavor? Blue jambes :). Fun times

  5. Great.. you have an awesome wings to fly in clouds. This wings are so nice and colourful. This wings are made so creatively which are looking so cute.
