Monday, April 4, 2011

ALERT: Jackspeak

Jack and Charlie and I are sitting on the couch, trying to wake ourselves up after a long nap.

Jack: "Charlie, could you go get me my frog? The one Uncle Aaron got me from the aquarium? It's on my bed."

Charlie: "Okay."

Charlie climbs off the couch and wanders into their bedroom to find Jack's frog.

Jack: "You know, brothers are really good to have around."

Me: "They sure are, aren't they?"


"Hey Jacky, could you go get me my drink? It's in the kitchen on the counter."


Sons are really good to have around, too.


  1. I love this.
    Hey....wait a minute....I just got played this morning!!
    Not only am I watching your kids, I am going to your house!!
    Just you wait!

  2. Awww, they're so cute! Reminds me of my little ones, but then they are not so little now: 30, 25, and 23! Treasure those times that fly by so quickly! :)
