Sunday, January 9, 2011

Thrifted!: The Vegetarian Epicure

I've been a vegetarian for 16 years now, and I have a collection of cookbooks to prove it. For a while now my shrinking shelf space has put a halt to cookbook purchases because the alternative is to start storing them in the garage. And really, who gets inspired to cook in their garage?

So, I try to avoid buying cookbooks whenever I can. Really, I do. But then I came across this delightful-looking little book while thrifting. I loved its title and its illustrated cover:

I have a habit of reading copyright pages, and I flipped to the one in this book. 1972. Hmm, I thought. I wonder what vegetarians ate in 1972?

Two dollars and 15 minutes later, I was sitting at my kitchen table ready to find out.

Turns out, vegetarians from the '70s enjoy a lot of the same stuff as vegetarians from 2011. With one exception. It's this thing the author calls a "two-hours-later" course. I had never heard of it before.

From page 9:

"So, the two-hours-later course came to be. This may consist of a great bowl of strawberries and a pot of cream, or maybe hot chocolate on a cold night, accompanied by thin slices of the torte that couldn't be finished earlier, or a platter of nuts and dried fruits with mulled wine. This two-hours-later course is especially recommended if grass is smoked socially at your house. If you have passed a joint around before dinner to sharpen gustatory perceptions, you most likely will pass another one after dinner, and everyone knows what that will do--the blind munchies can strike at any time."

After reading the passage on page 9, I read it again. (You know, just to make sure I got it right.)

Guess vegetarians did do things a little differently in the '70s. At least when it came to writing cookbooks.


  1. Hilarious! What a fun addition to your collection :)

  2. I think you are leaving out an essential herb in your diet. You might have to revisit your shopping list.

  3. Nancy Osborn PhillipsJanuary 20, 2011 at 11:46 PM

    that is funny... er'not I have that cook book and bought it in the '70s
    yes things were quite different then... er'not

  4. I also found this cookbook thrifted. But, in a tiny town in Belgium! Love your blog.

  5. That is hilarious!!! I can't imagine what other little 'tidbits' might be tucked away in the recipes of that book. Too funny!

  6. I've had this cookbook for like 15 yrs, but never really read it. perhaps I should. LMAO.

  7. Ha ha! I couldn't believe that paragraph! Had to share. Otherwise, a
    great cookbook--even sober. :)

  8. Hi Jenny, if you check out a lot of the "online previews" of the books (Google Books, Amazon), they stop right at that quote. Pretty intteresting. I spoke with Anna Thomas and she told me it was no big deal in the '70s, but people make more of it today.
    Any how, I am writing to ask if we could use your picture of the book for a collage we are putting together in recognition of its 40th anniversary next year. Let me know if it would be ok. You can reach me, and read more about the book at my blog, David's Table ( Thanks.

  9. Oh, of course--please use it! It is really a great book--I just
    found that particular portion to be, well, a rarity in any of
    today's writings. A real throwback. A real sign of the times. Times
    have changed, indeed. But the recipes in the book are timeless. And
    Anna sure does make that after meal sound enticing. :)
