Welcome to day seven of the
Today, join me for a special ReSew Q & A with Kris at Resweater--and get inspired to transform anything wool into something wonderful!
At Resweater, Kris not only blogs about the one-of-a-kind designs she creates (and shows she made them), she also takes weekly thrift-store trips to find the best wool sweaters, and then sells them on her site at a great bargain. And we’re talking very cool wool: in addition to wool and wool blends, she carries cashmere, alpaca, and yak (!) sweaters, vintage sweaters, and froggable wools and merinos. She's like your own personal shopper for all things wool. Love that!
I wish I lived closer to this fun and friendly gal--I do believe we could really do some damage together at the thrift store. Hope you'll join us today for Kris's Q & A and giveaway!
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