Sunday, October 26, 2008

Baby Quilt Friday!: Little Log Cabin

Welcome back to Baby Quilt Friday! on a Friday. (I hope, anyway . . . it's Friday in the a.m. right now. I'm hoping I can write this from start to finish before midnight.)

This is one of the first quilts I made for The Little Box of Baby Quilts, called "Little Log Cabin."

Little Log Cabin 
From The Little Box of Baby Quilts, copyright 2007 Jenny Wilding Cardon/That Patchwork Place. Machine quilted by Cheryl Brown.

The Log Cabin block is easily my favorite of all quilt-block designs. It's easy, it's fast, and you can sew it up in an infinite variety of ways. Two logs, twenty logs. Big cabin, little cabin. Arty cabin, crafty cabin. Baby cabin, big-person cabin. As long as you have a triangle set up in your workspace--cut, sew, press--construction is simple. Hypnotic, really. Almost hallucenogenic. Fun stuff.

So it's not the construction that makes this quilt a bit different. I think it's just the color scheme. I love the look of hand-dyed fabrics and wanted to try them in a baby quilt. I think the result is just fun and cheerful. If I made the quilt again, I would try green, purple, and blue hand-dyed fabrics. 'Cause, you know, I got me some boys. Baby girls are not in my future. I'm too old to have another baby just so I can use a color scheme. Sigh.

I suppose there isn't really a story behind this quilt, except that it was the first to find a home outside of our home. It is now with Adrienne, my niece's daughter. She came into the world just as my quilts were being shipped back to me from Martingale & Company, publisher of the "little box." Adrienne is fun and cheerful, so I think I chose the right quilt to give to her. If she ever gets a brother, I may just make this one up again. For the baby. And for those bonus hypnotic and hallucenogenic effects, too.

You can view more quilts from the "little box" here, watch a video about it here, and read more about each quilt here.

Next time is all about the "Baby Essentials Pocket Quilt," which actually started out as a horrible, disgusting idea. Hope to see you back here for the somewhat stinky story.

(And by the way . . . I didn't end up finishing this post on Friday. Obviously. Someday I'll have all the time in the world to post, I know. But when that time comes, what the hooey will I post about? Best just to title these "little box" posts as Baby Quilt "Friday!" posts, with the "Friday" in quotes. Heaving sigh of relief. There. Feeling much better about that now.)


  1. This quilt is so colorful! I bet it was a hallucenogenic experience putting it together. Last I read, using fabric for a high is still legal in all 50 states. Fabric the 'healthy drug".

  2. Hi Jenny! I love the simplicity and the color scheme of this quilt! It's always fun to read about your quilts - no matter what day it is.

  3. I think this one is really pretty too!
