Sunday, June 15, 2008

Seventeen days late and four posts short

No, no, no, no no no . . . not seventeen days late THAT way.

My blogiversary was two Saturdays ago. I've now spent one year out here in bloggerspace. My goal was to post 100 times during my first year. I posted 96 entries. Hey, not bad for a mama times two!

So, in celebration of my little 'ol milestone, I give you a little 'ol contest. Well, just a random drawing, really. Leave a comment on this post--about anything you like--and you'll be entered to win not only a signed copy of my book (but actually, it's a box), The Little Box of Baby Quilts, but an actual QUILT from the "little box," too!

This is the quilt up for grabs:

"Elementary!" by Jenny Wilding Cardon. Machine quilted by Cheryl Brown. Finished quilt: 42 1/2" x 58 1/2".

It's a pretty big quilt for a baby quilt--size-wise, it'll last a kid through their preschool years. So if you have a toddler or preschooler who is beginning to learn their ABCs and 123s, post! Just leave your comment by Friday, June 20, 2008 to be eligible for the giveaway.

I look back on some of my 96 posts and wince. Some posts I'm proud of (like this one and that one and this recent one, and some of my favorite Jackspeaks, here and there). But mostly, I see how much can change in a year. Namely, a little boy named Jack. And a big girl named Jenny.

On the other hand, in my debut post I used phrases like "pee my pants" and the distinctive Utah slang of "Oh my heck!" So, some things never change.

If you have a good home for the quilt above, I beg you--please post. I really do want her to land somewhere where she'll be loved. Good luck!

Now, on to year two.


  1. I love that,it's cute and the color would even match the other things in the baby's room. I would love to win but I haven't won anything yet so I'm keeping my fingers crossed! Hope you have a great day !

  2. Congrats on your blogiversary! I have been struggling with computer drama and I am so glad that I got here before the deadline =)
